5 Steps to make a business out of free vouchers


Have you ever encountered little coupons in your newspaper or email that claim to give you a 10, 15 or even 20 percent discount on items sold at a particular store or services offered by a particular provider for no apparent reason? Well, they are called vouchers and indeed are good for what they mention with the sole exception of ill-conceived gimmicks with absurd conditions of use that are supposedly designed to make you laugh- and you can even find them for free on certain specialized publications.

What you probably have not thought about is that they constitute one of the cleverest Home Based Business if used properly. If you want to Work from Home and have a little side income with a Part time Business, you should definitely follow these easy steps to turn the free vouchers available everywhere into a business opportunity:

  1. Research your target client base

 Before starting with your new business, you need to do a little research. You don’t have to spend any money on fancy professional market researches; there are several available free solutions for researching business opportunities within your social circles.

First, you need to find out what are the things that the people you know buy more frequently, and the reason why they do not use vouchers to get discounts when they could easily get them for free. You can investigate this by using one of many free poll services available online, and asking your friends to answer it and tell their friends about it.

While the first issue depends on a large variety of factors and we can’t provide a universal answer, the most popular answer to the second question is most likely going to be that “they don’t have the time or patience to properly store vouchers, or they keep losing them or forgetting about them”. This is going to be the base of your business.

  1. Stack up on relevant vouchers

 After you have found out what the most popular three or four products or services are among your social circles, you can then proceed to get as many vouchers as you can that offer discounts on those products or services.

It is important for your business to focus only on three or four categories, since collecting vouchers can require some time and organization, and you are only going to be able to sell a collection after you have gathered enough of the same category, but we will get to this point in a few moments.

As you are stacking up on vouchers, don’t forget about taking proper care of them, since many are invalid if cut out wrong and, even if that is not the case, you will want to give your voucher collections the best presentation possible.

  1. Start classifying and organizing them

 This is probably the most important part of your entire business. After you have enough vouchers to begin, you are going to have to come up with attractive categories.

Let’s say that your research showed that the most popular categories are fast food, travel agencies and groceries. If you want to be able to sell a comprehensive collection of vouchers related to a particular category, you can’t just sell a bunch of discounts on fast food, for example. You should get some small binders and place the vouchers in various subcategories; one example could be to first gather all the fast food related vouchers, then divide your binder into categories such as pizzas, tacos, burgers and fried chicken, then divide every category into three or four restaurants that sell that product, and then place the vouchers good at that restaurant ordered by expiration date.

This is only an example since you could do it in general alphabetic order as the yellow pages, or maybe highlight an independent section of the best deals. It is up to you and your creativity, but you should remember that the presentation and cleverness you give to your collection is what you are going to sell; after all, the contents are available for free to everyone.

  1. Sell your collections

 When you have at least one collection completed with a reasonable amount of vouchers not so few that it is not appealing but not so much that no one could use them all-, you just need to start selling them as voucher packs. You sell them for a fraction of what the buyer will save when using the entire collection, which could be a decent amount if the buyer is a frequent user of the services included in the collection. You can sell them at your school, within your family reunions or even start a little page online to promote your collections and then make the transactions in person to those interested.

  1. Gain a reputation

This business can be a little slow at the beginning, but you need to remember that if your collection turns out to be useful, easy to carry around and actually saves the buyer some money, they will not only ask you for more in the future –especially with food or groceries categories, which every person buys on a regular basis no matter what-, but they will likely recommend your voucher collections to their friends and family and help your business grow.

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